Optimize the initial implementation
Neglected best practices led to database degradation, which was addressed by cleaning and segmenting data, and implementing automation, resulting in faster business expansion and boosted productivity.

Volta Charging manufactures and installs Electric Vehicle (EV) charging stations.
- Key Challenges: Neglected best practices, degraded database
- Key Solutions: Cleaned and segmented data, implemented automation
- Key Impact: Faster business expansion; boosted productivity

- Compromised data integrity and duplicate entries
- Lack of data unification negatively impacted the operations
- Incorrect backend triggers affected operations & customer service
- Key automation often failed, leading to manual work
- Several best practices were not yet implemented

- Cleaned and segmented data
- Identified and corrected faulty triggers, enabled new triggers leading to automation
- A simplified central dashboard to better facilitate sales & service team operations
- Set up customized automations for each department

- Tracked and managed global sales activities: faster business expansion
- Automated multiple processes: increased productivity