Configure a centralized system and streamline sales processes
Conflicting data structures within two systems were overcome by implementing a dynamic and centralized database, resulting in increased efficiency of the sales process.

Altus Assessments (now Acquity Insights) is a Higher-Ed Program Intelligence Platform. Altus helps academic programs gain meaningful insights into their students to support them across their entire journey, from recruitment, through admissions and training, until graduation.
- Key Challenges: Conflicting data structure within two systems
- Key Solutions: Implemented dynamic and centralized database
- Key Impact: Increased efficiency of the sales process

- Lack of a centralized database hindered the day-to-day operations of the sales team
- Conflicting data structure within Altus and One45’s systems led to data duplication resulting in labor-intensive lead status tracking
- Undefined sales process in the One45 system limited management’s visibility into the sales team’s activities

- Identified the system migration method most suited after a comprehensive analysis of the business model, related processes, data architecture, and automation sequences
- Removed duplicate entries from the One45 platform and migrated data from One45 to Altus
- Modified and implemented a new sales process to differentiate the Altus & One45 leads

- Unified data management: highly efficient and low latency sales processes, increased data accessibility and consumption
- Automation of time-consuming and error-prone tasks: improved productivity
- 360° process visibility: Management easily track the sales teams’ process flow and plan for future growth